• Water Well Inspection & Testing

    in Midland-Odessa, TX

    Inspection and Testing of your water well and pump system


    Water well inspection and testing Midland Odessa Texas

    Congratulations on your new water well!!


    Having your own water well comes with many perks, like no more water bills and no worries about water interruptions due to broken lines or contaminated water. You have control over your water source which means that you also have sole responsibility to ensure the quality and safety of your water and pump system. You might not even think about well inspections, but it’s an important part of being a water well owner.

    If you are considering purchasing a home, acreage or business with a water well, here’s some things to know about well inspections to make sure your water is safe to use and that the pump system is performing up to standard.




    Why do I need a water well inspection?
    Before you buy a home, or land, or even a business that uses a water well as the primary source of water, having a well inspection is essential. The quality and quantity of the water can be determined by a professional who can conduct a thorough water well inspection and testing.
    A licensed water well professional at Permian H2O Solutions LLC will conduct various tests, inspecting all components of the well, to see if the water is safe and meets the state’s regulations and criteria, is in a proper location and that there is no damage to the construction of the well. He will also inspect and test the water well pump system to make sure it is functioning properly and measure the water flow to ensure it will provide you with a good water supply.


    When should a water inspection be done?
    Any time you are buying a new property with an existing water well, especially in rural areas, you should have an inspection done. Requesting a water well inspection is the responsibility of the buyer. Don’t skip the inspection! It could save you a lot of time, stress, and money in the long run. Plus, you want to know that the well is providing you with water that is safe to use and consume. If any problems are discovered during the well inspection, it gives you the opportunity to negotiate a lower deal with the seller, or in worst case scenarios, you may need to reconsider the purchase altogether.


    Ideally, after you have purchased a home with a water well, you should have your well inspected periodically to ensure your water is still safe, and that the well pump system remains working properly.

    What does a water well inspection include?
    At Permian H2O, our water well expert will conduct several different tests to determine depth of the well, quantity and quality of the water, as well as functionality of the pump system.

    Water Quality
    Most importantly, you want to make sure that your water well will provide a safe source of water for your family or business. Our water professional will take a water sample from your well and send it to a lab for testing. After the tests are completed, you will receive a report that details what is found in your water and what is the acceptable limit for each element found.

    Typically, your water is tested for the presence of minerals such as iron, calcium, manganese, copper, fluoride and chloride. The water will also be tested for hardness, alkalinity, turbidity and PH levels which basically affects the cloudiness or clarity of the water. In addition, the water is tested any coliform bacteria or volatile organic compounds, like chemicals, gasoline compounds and even chloroform. None of which you want in your water supply!

    Water Quantity
    A family home or dwelling needs approximately 100 to 120 gallons of water per person per day on average. Our Permian H2O water pro will test your well for water quantity to ensure that your well is able to provide enough water for the needs of your family. Nothing is worse than losing water pressure in the middle of your shower!

    To determine the water quantity, we will measure the dimensions and depth of the well and conduct a flow rate test, which measures the amount of water coming from your well and the number of gallons per minute you can expect.

    To ensure that you have adequate water and good water pressure to meet your basic needs, the flow rate should be about 6 to 12 gallons per minute. The pressure tank will also be inspected to look for any leaks, rust or mechanical issues that could result in loss of water pressure or contamination.

    And finally, the water well pump system will be inspected and tested to check the condition of the equipment. The inspector will do a visual check on all seals, gaskets, screens, and overflows, and check the pump, motor, casing, storage tank, cap, and vents.

    Once everything has been tested and inspected, our water well expert will provide you with a full report of the results and answer any questions or concerns you may have regarding your water well.


    How can I get my water well inspected?

    That's the easy part... just call our experienced water management team and set up an appointment!


    Whether you are buying a new property, or need an inspection done on your existing well, you can trust the pros at Permian H2O Solutions LLC to get the job done efficiently and professionally.


    Complete the form below for a free consultation.