• Commercial & Municipal Water Well Drilling Contractor in Midland-Odessa, TX

    Professional water well drilling for every type of industry

    Commercial water well drilling pros in Midland Odessa Texas

    Experience you can trust!

    Permian H2O Solutions LLC has been a trusted water well driller for agricultural, industrial and commercial sectors for more than a decade.

    We have experience in drilling water wells for a wide array of commercial purposes, from home builders to nationwide retailers, like Dollar General and everything in between. Permian H2O has all of the right equipment and heavy industrial machinery necessary for drilling a commercial water well to provide huge amounts of water at just the right pressure to meet your needs.


    Municipal water well drilling in Midland Odessa Texas

    Municipal & Industrial Well Drilling Contractors

    There are many types of businesses who have the need for their own water source. Whether you are in the process of a new commercial build, have a large business property with heavy landscaping, or operate in the oil and gas industry, drilling a new water well is a smart move. After the initial cost of drilling, you will benefit from the cost-saving advantage of having your own water source for many years to come.


    Our drilling team has the expertise and experience you can count on to complete your project professionally and efficiently. We have built private water sources for a vast range of clients, including new home builds, residential homeowners, landowners, farmers, ranchers, and a variety of commercial purposes.

    What is a municipal water well?

    A municipal water well, also known as an industrial water well, required a larger quantity of water than a typical residential water well. For a municipal well, we drill a larger hole, at least 10 inches in diameter, until an aquifer is located. The aquifer should contain enough water to supply the amount of water needed to support the increased demands that the facility requires. Due to the greater demand placed on a municipal water well, the water will be directed into a large storage system from which the water is then distributed.


    While your residential or commercial well is used to supply water to an average size group of individuals, municipal wells are providing a water supply to entire operational facilities or in some cases, an entire community. Therefore, it's even more critical to ensure that the quantity and the quality of the water source is of the utmost importance. The water well drillers at Permian H2O Solutions will work closely with engineers, as well as local and state officials to monitor this process and to ensure that your municipal well meets or exceeds the highest industry standard.


    Get your free on-site consultation today!


    At Permian H2O, our experienced water management team will work with you every step of the way, from drilling, to installing your pump system, to all the finish work required, to give you the confidence in a professional finished project. We know what it takes to provide the best water wells in the industry, and you can rest assured that our professional drilling team has the expertise and equipment to get your municipal water well project done with efficiency and reliability.